The application deadline for the annual Schuylkill Acts & Impacts watershed education and exploration program has been extended! Applications are now due by Friday, May 14, 2021. All program information can be found within the …
Click the link below to download the application. Complete applications must be submitted by Friday, APRIL 30, 2021. Our typical Schuylkill Acts & Impacts program is a weeklong watershed expedition along the 120-miles of the …
The 7th annual Schuylkill Acts & Impacts watershed program will be held from July 25-August 1, 2020. Click on the link below to download the official 2020 application. Complete applications must be submitted by FRIDAY, APRIL …
The 6th annual Schuylkill Acts & Impacts watershed program will be held from June 15-22, 2019. Click on the link below to download the official 2019 application. Schuylkill Acts & Impacts Application 2019 Complete applications must …
By Dionne Watts-Williams and Gary Paprocki, courtesy of Fairmount Water Works; photos by Hanah Bates A total of 10 students participated in Schuylkill Acts & Impacts 2018 the week of June 16-23, representing all of …
This year’s Schuylkill Acts & Impacts expedition will be held from June 17-24, 2017. As we begin to prepare the 2017 schedule, we will be contacting speakers and presenters to be involved in the 4th year of the expedition.
Applications will be available to students within the next few weeks (*check back soon*). As a reminder, Schuylkill Acts & Impacts is for students in the Schuylkill River watershed in grades 9-12 including 2017 high school graduates. If you are an educator, parent, or mentor of a student who you think would be interested in the trip, please share this opportunity! Keep checking ours, or Fairmount Water Works’ website, for updates to the 2017 program and to download the application when it becomes available.
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Through a partnership between Schuylkill County Conservation District, Blythe Water Authority, and Pennsylvania DEP Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation (BAMR) SHA had 330 tons of limestone sand delivered and dosed in Big Creek near New Philadelphia; a stream affected by acid rain.
On the week of Oct 3rd, Miller Bros. Construction took two days to deliver the limestone sand and another two days to move it into the head of the stream channel. For this project, SHA and the above mentioned partners received a grant through the 2016 Exelon Schuylkill River Restoration Fund Grant Program. SHA and BAMR have monitored prior pH/alkalinity and will be continuing post monitoring with anticipation that pH will be raised to natural levels and stormwater events will be reduced. This project aims to restore the 3.9 mile main stem to a viable coldwater fishery.
Picture Above: This is the start of the headwaters of Big Creek before adding the limestone sand.
Pictures Below: These pictures show the limestone sand, the sand being added to the start of the headwaters of Big Creek, and the headwaters channel after the limestone sand was added and the water flowing through it.
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An article featuring a brief life story about our former Office of Surface Mining – Volunteer In Service To America (OSM/VISTA), Cataia Ives, was published in the Wellesley Center for the Environment December 5, 2016 Newsletter. Along with the picture above, below is the whole featured article.
WCE Person of the Week!
Cataia Ives
Class of 2011
“The summer after 2011, I moved with some Wellesley alums to an apartment in Allston,
where I worked at a pizza shop to fund my unpaid internship for an environmental non-profit.
The free pizza was definitely worth it for the opportunity to thoroughly explore the Charles
River by boat for their volunteer water quality monitoring project. Following that adventurous
summer, I moved back home to Florida whilst job searching. I signed up for a year of
community service through Americorps and was stationed in rural Schuylkill County, PA. My
job was to build volunteer capacity to clean up streams polluted by abandoned mine drainage
(AMD) discharge. This was the first real test of everything I’d learned in ES at Wellesley,
because I had to convince local residents, many of whom didn’t know that their water was
polluted, of their interest in supporting our cause. One success was organizing a clean-up event
in which a local 4×4 off-road group came up with their own rig to help us tow more than 50 old
tires from a dump pit to a recycling plant.
My interest in cleaning up water led me to graduate school for environmental sciences.
Since graduating with my Master’s this August, I work at the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) in Research Triangle Park, NC, on a bioinformatics web application for scientists to
better understand health outcomes. Although this year is a time of transition at the EPA, I’m
hopeful about protecting the environment and human health.”
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On the week of Sept. 12, SHA completed a trout habitat project with a partnership through Schuylkill County Trout Unlimited and the Schuylkill Conservation District. Along with creating a renewed natural meander in the stream for restored fish and wildlife habitat, the completion of this project will enhance recreational opportunities such as fishing and park use for the community and tourists. The project is located downstream from the Silver Creek abandoned mine drainage (AMD) treatment system at the New Philadelphia Ballfield Park. Since SHA began AMD mitigation efforts upstream, this project brings a long term vision of restoring healthy fisheries and wildlife to fruition in the waterway.
The picture on the left shows the stream channel before habitat construction began. This shows the lack of natural river meander, riffles, eddys, and depth variation generally required for better quality trout wildlife habitat in coldwater streams. The picture on the right shows volunteers and equipment operators moving logs into the stream channel to create ideal habitation sites.
The New Philadelphia habitat project was a combined effort of Blythe Township Water Authority, the New Philadelphia Borough, National Trout Unlimited, Schuylkill County Trout Unlimited, and the Conservation District. The project was funded by a Trout Unlimited Embrace-A-Stream grant received by Schuylkill County Trout Unlimited. The project was designed (see below) and given oversight by National Trout Unlimited’s Phil Thomas. There were a total of 37 volunteers working on various sections of the habitat site. Logs for the structures, made of larch trees, were supplied through DCNR Weiser Forest District. K&S Tree Service delivered the logs as a donation. R.E. Pearson Middleport Quarry provided stone at a reduced rate and New Philadelphia Borough hauled the stone to the site. Both Blythe Township Water Authority and Madonna Enterprise Construction Company provided equipment and operators.
This picture is the above view of the New Philadelphia Ballfied habitat plans showing the habitat structures that were installed into the stream channel.
Topographical map showing New Philadelphia Ballfield project location where habitat structures were implemented.
This picture shows a completed habitat deflector structure.
This picture shows detailed plans of a structure with a log frame filled in with stone to act as a deflector.
This picture shows an eddy being created on the far side the habitat structures.
These three pictures show more detailed habitat structure plans of boulder placement, cribbing, and deflectors that were installed in the waterway.
This is a picture of a completed log framed cross vane. It shows the formation of a deep pool eddy being formed downstream which is ideal for trout habitat development.
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Greetings residents of Schuylkill County and anyone interested in the progress of Schuylkill Headwaters Association (SHA) as we continue to implement projects in our local watershed, the Schuylkill River. Moving toward the last month of 2016, there are a few updates that we are excited to share with you about what has been happening within the organization.
In July, SHA got a new Office of Surface Mining Volunteer in Service to America (OSM VISTA). As a local resident of Schuylkill County, Nathaniel A. Hafer (pictured) is serving the county with SHA. We are excited to have Nate on board. He will be building our organization’s capacity and implementing projects in the watershed.
Project Schuylkill Outdoor Leadership Odyssey
As an extension of the OSM VISTA program and a partnership with the Schuylkill River Heritage Area, SHA designed and facilitated a highly interactive and scientifically integrative 10-week learning experience for the eighth grade class of Gillingham Charter School. Project Schuylkill Outdoor Leadership Odyssey (SOLO) consisted of 10 field and classroom experiences designed to give the students both knowledge and a real world career-centered perspective of the outdoor, environmental, and scientific fields. Fifteen students of teacher Taia Bachman’s eighth grade class successfully completed the odyssey. We are happy to boast that the students not only enjoyed the experience but they also demonstrated a real interest in what it takes to work in an outdoor/environmental career. The Project SOLO students learned some possibilities for their own futures.
Nativity Field Day
On October 4, SHA took Nativity High School’s senior environmental science class, led by teacher Danielle Fox, to the Silver Creek Environmental Education Trail & Recreation Park to learn about water quality testing and local abandoned mine drainage (AMD) issues. The class tested multiple parameters at the beginning and end of the discharge site and were given worksheets with questions designed to help the students understand the relationship of those parameters to aquatic life. Students then ventured downstream to see the work SHA did in partnership with Schuylkill County Chapter Trout Unlimited on the new fish habitat construction in the Schuylkill River near New Philadelphia. This field day allowed students to take a needed break for fresh air from the classroom but most importantly helped them to understand the whole AMD remediation process.
Our very own president, Bill Reichert, recently received a Partnership Award at the 26th annual Evening for Northeast Pennsylvania’s Environment Banquet at the Woodlands Inn and Resort, Wilkes-Barre. Bill received the award for leading water quality improvement efforts in the Schuylkill River watershed. Schuylkill County Commissioners George F. Halcovage, Jr., Frank J. Staudenmeier and Gary Hess also presented Bill with a proclamation at the Schuylkill County Courthouse for receiving the Partnership Award. See Link Below:
The Republican Herald did a story highlighting the VISTA program for SHA and Schuylkill County. The story features previous VISTAs, SHA’s current outreach coordinator, Alexa Kramer, who served as last year’s VISTA and SHA’s current VISTA, Nate Hafer. See Link Below:
On October 1st Port Carbon 604 Cub Scout Pack came to the Silver Creek Environmental Education Trail & Recreation Park. The scouts planted native plants in the rain garden and cleaned out the blue bird boxes for the season. The Cub Scouts enjoyed a day out with a hands-on experience of community service. SHA would like to thank Port Carbon’s Pack 604 for 4 years of continued help on this and various other projects.
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Sierra Gladfelter is currently completing her Master’s degree in Geography and a Certificate in Development Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her research interests include the politics of knowledge in climate adaptation and development interventions. Specifically, she is interested in studying the extent to which local knowledge and priorities are actively integrated into or excluded from the design and implementation of such programs. While her thesis examines interventions to assist communities in coping with chronic flooding along the Karnali-Ghaghara River in Nepal and northern India, Sierra has also studied flooding and the uneven process of recovery along rivers in Zambia and the United States with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and ISET-International. However, it was Sierra’s experience working for the Schuylkill Headwaters Association, a small watershed NGO serving communities impacted by abandoned mine drainage in Pennsylvania’s Appalachian mountains, that inspired her to pursue a career engaged in research and tangible work guided by local visions and communities’ active participation.
Contact Sierra:
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Good news! The application period for the 2016 Schuylkill Acts & Impacts expedition has been extended. The new due date for application submission is FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2016.
This year’s 3rd annual Schuylkill Acts & Impacts watershed expedition will be held from June 18-25, 2016. Click on the link below to download the official 2016 application.
As a reminder, Schuylkill Acts & Impacts is a weeklong watershed expedition that is offered to a team of 12 high school students from each of the 5 counties in the Schuylkill River watershed. Students will spend the week learning about different water quality impacts in the watershed, do hands-on testing, learn from and interact with environmental professionals throughout the watershed, and will camp, kayak, and have tons of fun!!
Schuylkill Headwaters Association and Fairmount Water Works have once again partnered to make this year’s program a success! To learn more about Fairmount Water Works, please visit
To see pictures from previous expeditions, please visit SHA’s Facebook page.
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Schuylkill Headwaters Association
Outreach and Education Coordinator
Pottsville, PA
Job Description The OSMRE/VISTA will work to build the capacity of Schuylkill Headwaters Association (SHA), enabling their long-term stability and success. The OSMRE/VISTA will assist in the preparation and submission of grant proposals to secure future funding to support projects at the Silver Creek Environmental Education Trails and Recreation Park (SCEETR) and expand applied environmental curriculum offered to local students. The OSMRE/VISTA will assist SHA with environmental stewardship by increasing student awareness of local environmental impacts caused by Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) and the legacy of anthracite coal extraction in Schuylkill County, PA. The OSMRE/VISTA will lead both teacher and student tours of the passive AMD treatment system at Silver Creek and other water quality and conservation sites constructed and maintained by SHA to address the legacy of anthracite coal extraction. The OSMRE/VISTA will design, develop, and execute environmental and watershed-based curriculum in collaboration with local school teachers and educators at the SCEETR to develop more local conservation stewards. The OSMRE/VISTA will offer in-class presentations about SHA’s mission, conservation work, and opportunities for students to become more involved in local conservation through volunteer activities or service projects. The OSMRE/VISTA will also assist with planning annual activities such as the Bear Creek Festival, tree plantings, trash cleanups, and Schuylkill Acts & Impacts.
Qualifications Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s degree, good communication skills, and the ability to work in a changing environment. Qualities like initiative, flexibility, and organizational skills are preferred. Candidates must be able to work independently. Candidates must be available to serve full-time for at least one year.
Other Information VISTA members receive a modest, monthly living allowance to help cover the basic necessities. VISTA members who successfully complete a term of service are also eligible to receive either a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award of $5,550 to pay for college or to pay off student loans, or an end-of-service cash stipend of $1,500. Additional benefits include training, limited health care benefits, relocation expenses, student-loan forbearance or deferment and non-competitive eligibility for a federal government position. You may also be eligible for childcare assistance should you need it.
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This year’s Schuylkill Acts & Impacts expedition will be held from June 18-25, 2016. As we put together the 2016 schedule, we will be contacting speakers and presenters to be involved in the 3rd year of the expedition!
Planning is in full swing, and applications will be available to students within the next few weeks. As a reminder, Schuylkill Acts & Impacts is for students in the Schuylkill River watershed in grades 9-12, with graduating seniors being considered. If you are an educator, parent, etc. of a student who you think would be interested in the trip, please share this opportunity!
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