
Schuylkill Headwaters Association (SHA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Originally formed in 1998, its mission is “to promote the environmental integrity of the Schuylkill River, and its tributaries, and the watershed that lies within the boundaries of Schuylkill County”.

The most significant challenge facing SHA is the assessment and remediation of abandoned mine drainage discharges in the watershed, a legacy of anthracite coal mining activities in the region. SHA works with various community organizations and government agencies, including Schuylkill Conservation District, Schuylkill Action Network, Office of Surface Mining, United States Geological Survey, Environmental Protection Agency, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and Schuylkill VISION. The organization also works with members of the AmeriCorps Retired Senior Volunteer Corps for water quality sampling.

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  William Reichert, President Email: Phone: 570-622-3742 Ext. 3331   Outreach and Programs Coordinator Email:  


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