Upcoming Events & Programs

2013 Schuylkill County Ag Day  Thurs, Feb 7 8:15- 3:15 pm at the First United Church of Christ (Beside Penn State Schuylkill Campus): This year we have topics for animal producers, horse owners, field crop and vegetable growers and woodlot owners.  The keynote speaker is John Berry, with Penn State Extension. Cost is $15/person due by Jan. 31, contact Schuylkill Conservation District at 570-622-3742 x5 to register.

Fly Tying Classes at Sweet Arrow Lake Feb 12, 19, and 28 from 6-9 pm.  Join veteran fishermen and fly tier Bruce Schneck and other members of Trout Unlimited for an instructive evening aimed at a great outdoor sport.  Whether you are experienced or just a beginner you will be sure to pick up some tips and swap some fish stories.  Admission is free, but please call (717) 647-4362 to register so we can have adequate supplies on hand.

38th Annual Seedling Sale Through Apr 4 These quality seedlings increase property value, enhance wildlife habitat, beautify the landscape, improve the environment, and can provide a source of income. Proceeds directly support the programs and projects of Sweet Arrow Lake County Park. The Sweet Arrow Lake Conservation Association (SALCA) and the Schuylkill Conservation District work together on this sale:

Seedling Sale order form

“Angling for Miracles”  Family Fun Fishing Day hosted by Children’s Miracle Network at Geisenger
on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at Sweet Arrow Lake, Pine Gove.  The event will be from 10:00 AM – 4:00PM, and will include fishing lessons from the PA State Fish Commission, nature walks, a scavenger hunt, face painting, fish-themed games and other activities; food will also be available for purchase. Volunteers are needed:

fishing event volunteer letter



Permanent link to this article: http://schuylkillheadwaters.org/2013/upcoming-events-programs/
