$chuylkill Money in Your Pocket

FREE Income Tax Preparation is available to Schuylkill County residents that are eligible to claim the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC):

Volunteer Income tax preparation sites open January 22, 2013 until April 2013 and are located at the Terry Reiley Center and McCann School of Business in Pottsville, Frackville Free Public Library, and Lehigh Carbon Community College.  This service is being offered by Schuylkill Community Action. If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, please call Schuylkill Community Action at 570-622-1995.

For more information about the program visit-



Permanent link to this article: http://schuylkillheadwaters.org/2013/chuylkill-money-in-your-pocket/
